Silver Linings

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I couldn’t think of any other way to title today’s entry. My beloved farm truck is in the shop today after giving its all this weekend. While I worry for her well being, I am so very grateful she waited to stop until we had completed a weekend’s worth of chore that required her help. Thanks for that, buddy.


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Ticking Off the To-Dos

This weekend I was able to do a few tasks I always said I wanted to do, but never really could convince myself that I would find the time to do them. These projects involved cutting wires, fishing wires through walls and insulation, moving furniture, de-cluttering wires, and completely wiping my computer’s hard drive and doing a clean macOS install.

I’m impressed at least.


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Happy New Year?

I have been thinking a great deal lately about the toxicity of the so-called social networks. From the hate being spewed on Twitter, often from “bots” designed to create discord and spread misinformation, to world-wide manipulation of democratic elections.  It occupies my thoughts more than I would like, and until something dramatic happens either by government or the corporations themselves I don’t see more than one solution. Stop using the corporate sites, and look for alternatives. (more…)

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